David Hua
Head of Security, Cadence
Download our latest whitepaper on how to stay compliant with the updated interagency guidance on TPRM
Third-party services, apps, and tech have become fundamental to any business to continue to move to the cloud and build faster tomeet customer expectations. Often you’ll see that employees will mix personal and business accounts or sign up for free trials that may open your business to unknown third or fourth party risks.
Although it’s easy to say that you should only share your data with third parties you trust – it’s difficult to accomplish in practice. If you don’t have 100% visibility and understanding into what company data is being shared with third parties, then it’s time to address your Shadow IT strategy.
Third-party risk management (TPRM) can help your teams manage third parties that your business knowingly shares data with, but taking it a step further with continuous audits and insights is crucial to addressing Shadow IT and gaining visibility into the data that your organization may unknowingly be sharing. Reducing the Shadow IT risk involves a collaborative shift and alignment across people, process, and technology within your business to be successful.
In this webinar, experienced professionals will share how they have achieved productive collaboration with other stakeholders when it comes to addressing third-party or nth party risk.
Download the webinar to learn:
Head of Security, Cadence
CEO & Co-Founder, VISO Trust
Director of Security Engineering, ID.me
Senior Director of Enterprise Security, The Aspen Group
Director of Security Strategy and Planning, Marqeta
Senior Manager, GRC, World Fuel Services
CISO, Shadow IT, Third Party Risk, Webinar